Hello Family!
1 Nephi 8
Thanks for the family updates, don't worry if you don't have time to write a lot. I just like to know
what is going on and if everyone is ok :)
I had a good week
this last week. We had a lot of things happen.
On Wednesday, I
went on my first exchange as a Sister Training Leader with Sister Sosa and it was SUPER weird, I feel like
she should be leading me, not me training her. She has been out in
the field longer than I have and she is older than me and I just feel super
young. I was able to go to her area and help her a little bit, she is in Murray
and so I went back to my greenie area! I showed her a lot of new areas that she
hadn't been to and it was great to be back for a day. But I love where I am at
now. I am getting the feeling that this is my last transfer here in Union Fort
so I want to leave this area better than I found it.
On Thursday, we
had a Zone conference and it was great! Our recent converts came, Maria and
Cesar, and they talked about their experience while they were preparing to be
baptized. I had to translate for them and I just wanted to cry when I was
translating because the whole time, they were just saying how grateful they
were for us as missionaries and for my perseverance in visiting them even when
they didn't want us to come over. They are so converted to the gospel and
whenever I see them, I just want to hug them and help them get to the temple,
so they can be sealed for eternity. The Roman family can be sealed at the end
of March! I need to make sure that they are getting ready to go to the temple.
I also sang "come unto Christ", the 2014 youth theme. I just love
singing, I am not amazing but I feel the Spirit the most when I am singing. I
really want to take music at BYU and voice lessons, so if there is anything
like that for classes, sign me up!
After her
interview, she told us that she told her family that she was going to be
baptized and that they were ok with it! When we went back to the room where her
family was, we found them talking about baptisms for the dead with some other
members! She was super happy and wanted to take her mom and sister to temple
square. But then later that night, she called us and told us that her dad had
just died in Puerto Rico and that she was going there for the funeral. I felt
peace, especially when I heard that the first reaction of her mom and sister
when they heard about the death was them telling her to be baptized for her
dad. It was amazing to me to see that the promise that I made her actually
happened!! We have power as missionaries and sometimes we don't recognize that
or don't use it. But we can make promises, as long as we follow the spirit, and
the Lord ALWAYS keeps his promises. That was an amazing experience for me. She
will hopefully be back on Friday and be baptized on Saturday. I know that this
was part of Heavenly Father's plan for her. I could have gotten mad that we was
leaving but I felt peace and I know that Heavenly Father can use her to help
her family members accept the Gospel.
Sunday was a hard
day for us, we didn't have a ton of people at church and I feel like the area
is going downhill again, and I don't want that to happen. We are looking for
more people to teach and I just need to baptize before I leave this area.
Baptizing is now my passion.
I love you all so
much! If you could send me some more stamps, I would love some more. I am just
amazed at how old my sisters are and how much everyone is growing. It is weird
to think that I hit my 13 month mark on Sunday. That last month just flew by, I
don't know where it went! We are doing another book of mormon reading challenge
as a mission and it is basically a count down to the end of my mission :( it
was really sad. The time just goes by so fast! I can't slow it down.
I miss you and love
you and pray for you. Keep sharing the Gospel! All my sisters would be great
missionaries :) I hope you all are praying about going, if that is what
Heavenly Father wants you to do!
Hermana Warren
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