I just want to tell you all that I love you so much! I miss you and can't wait to see you all soon :) hehe
Thank you for the emails. I loved reading the emails from the girls, I felt like I could hear their voices and it made me laugh. Lydia, I am SO Proud of you for running that much...5K twice...wow... that is so awesome! Sammie, keep up with the Spanish! I want to talk to you in Spanish when I come home, ok?
Here is my boy tip: Don't worry about them....I know that it sounds too hard but seriously, you are so much happier when you DON'T worry about what they think and only worry about what God thinks of you. Build your relationship with God FIRST and then you will become more confident in yourself. Read the talk I attached.....from Conference. Follow his steps and you will become more confident in yourself and THAT is what is attractive to the boys :) There are a lot of boys out there too.....They aren't all at RHS!!
Shonna: Yo, Sister Warren here :)
So I am sad about VerNon, but I am sure that the Funeral was fun and spiritual. I hope Lenise did ok, and Mitch. Is Travis still home or did he go back out?
That is so cool about the fundraiser for AJ, I have seen the house where they live in Murray. Becca should totally stop if she sees me on the street. I would love to give her a hug :)
Dad: You should totally write a book called "7 Girls for 1 Dad", and talk about what is was like to raise 7 girls. I am sure that the book would sell. Keep working on it, and let me know if there is anything that I can help with.
Thanks for the prayers for my Spanish. I feel like it is improving each day and I can teach better and better. I talked with my Branch President on the phone last night and I understood everything he said and I was able to respond to every question! I was pretty amazed when I got off the phone. I want to be fluent when I come home, that is my goal :)
Saturday, we decorated for the wedding in the morning, it was only us and the Relief Society President, and then we ate lunch with a man who we are teaching and his wife. Then we went to the church and had the 4 baptism interviews, and they all passed so we are having 4 baptisms next week :) YAY!!! and then we had the baptism. This man was the one who was being taught by the English sisters from another mission and we had the problems with the other mission and President Moffat had to talk with the other Mission President. Everything worked out though, and he was baptized and confirmed :) I sang a "Child's Prayer" with one of the English sisters who found Jose, she sang the Childs part in English and I say the Parent's part in Spanish, and then we sang it together. It was so powerful! I love singing so much, I want to take music lessons when I go home so I can sing better. Anyway..... Then, we booked it over to the other chapel for the wedding, were we had to make sure everything was set up. They got married and they brought food and we got a cake and they had music and it was so fun. I was thinking about how stressful this is: setting up for a wedding and the decorations and the food.....and how much MONEY people would pay to have someone else worry about those details. I liked decorating and planning it, even though it was stressful. Maybe I can be a wedding planner when I come home! I have already organized two and we are planning for another one on the 6th! When we got home that night, we were tired, but the day wasn't too stressful, just super busy.
Then Sunday happened again. I always get headaches on Sundays because the members have been acting so CRAZY ever since we have been having a lot of baptisms. Our Ward mission leader is getting frustrated with us because our President is getting mad at all of us for things that don't even matter! The rules say that I shouldn't talk bad about my area so I won't go into any more but I am trying so hard to work with these people and we read from Preach My Gospel and the mission handbook to clarify the things that we do as missionaries. People have a hard time accepting correction humbly. That is when people get bitter and act like they don't like us. As long as I am doing what God wants me to do.....I might offend a few members but I am being a bold missionary who follows the rules.
SO that is pretty much what happened this week. Transfers are on the 10th of December, this transfer has been my most stressful and most busy transfer, but it sure flies when you are busy!
I hope everyone is doing well and that you are all happy! Keep living the Gospel and sharing it with others. Pray as a family to find someone to share the gospel with :) Then introduce the missionaries and help them accept the Gospel. Make it a goal to do before Christmas, that would be the best Christmas gift to give someone :)
I love you all and hope you all have a great Thanksgiving. I am so grateful for my family, and all that you do for me. I am grateful for my Savior and that I have 7 1/2 more months to represent Him and to preach the Gospel. I am grateful for the Book of Mormon and the guidance we receive when we read it. Estoy agradecida por le gente que estoy ensenando, y que estoy aprendiendo un otro idioma aunque es dificil a veces :)
Hermana Warren
Hermana Warren
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