The Work has just gotten sweeter!

The Work has just gotten sweeter!
Espirito Santo, Brasil

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

"If you don't like your lot in life, build a service station on it!"

<-----------------------  Here is my mailing address.  I love letters!!!

Hola Familia! y mis amigos,

How is it going? I am great here in SLC....I'm really in Murray but I like saying Salt Lake City :)
So this last week, we have just been teaching and finding, teaching and finding. We didn't have any baptisms this week. We had our stake conference this weekend and we can't do baptisms when we have conferences.

I am so glad everyone had a great time at Time-out For Women/Girls.....that is really fun, I want to go when I get home :) Wow Lydia, a weekend with Dad all by yourself would be super fun too! I hope the bike riding, basketball, Old country buffet and working in the garden was fun.

I LOVE MY BIKE!!! I love biking, I wish I did it before my mission. 

Sorry I scared you all with President Moffat calling you haha.......I didn't know that he was gonna call you guys. But anyway, I am getting my wisdom teeth out on Thursday at 10:40....Hermana Merrill is gonna record me when I wake up and see if I say anything funny, maybe we can send the video haha. I am sure it will go well, I will get a blessing from my District Leader, Elder Torres. He is awesome!

Thanks for the mail! I got Mom's letter and Dad's! So.. I got Jess's wedding invite on, that was hard. I opened it and saw it and just started crying. We finished planning at night and then I started getting ready for bed. I saw the invite again and started crying again, and I was so angry that I was gonna miss my own sister's WEDDING!! I just really want to be there. Sister Porter, one of the sisters that lives across the hall came over and I told her about the situation and she saw all my pictures of you guys and friends that I had put on the wall above my bed. She told me that she really struggled with homesickness and she had pictures everywhere when she first came out. Then she realized that it wasn't really helping her focus. She told me that when we put away the pictures of our family, we show God that we are putting Him first and we trust Him to help us with our homesickness. After she left, I took all the pictures off the wall and taped them in a journal I bought. I was crying the whole time, I felt like I was forgetting about my family but I know that by doing that I will focus better and my family will be blessed for my service. Me and Hermana Merrill talked for a while after that, she was telling me how she NEVER wants to go home and how you experience the most amazing joy on your mission. She is such a great missionary :)

The only pictures on my wall are of Jesus Christ. I have noticed a BIG difference in my week since this experience, Heavenly Father is helping me a lot. I think about you guys all the time though, thank you for the love and prayers.

So answering Dad's questions.......We get fed by members almost every night for dinner. I usually eat a turkey sandwich every day but this last week, I made macaroni and cheese....YUM! This week will be different since I am getting my wisdom teeth out, LIQUIDS and ICE CREAM! :D haha

Thanks for sending emails about other missionaries, I love it :) You can keep doing that. 

Mom...FELIZ CUMPLEANOS!! I sent you a letter today and I bought you a cupcake! But I ate it....sorry :)

Mitch...Stay strong! The Lord has a plan! Be patient and go to the temple a lot :) I am praying for you :)

WE have some new investigators, Iloy and Maria, Rafael, Oscar,and Vanessa. Iloy is on date for april 12! The others are still not on date but pray that we can get them on date!

So the subject of my email is AWESOME! We had stake conference and I learned a lot about how important the members are in missionary work......HELP THE MISSIONARIES!!!! They need the help of members in everything. Teach with them, drive them places, feed them, give the referrals!!!! Do all you can to share the Gospel with your friends and neighbors! We are all missionaries and need to share the Gospel. ok, I will get off my soapbox now :)
I learned so much about charity this week, I was studying it and how the Savior showed charity. If we are having a hard time in life or feel angry or sad, SERVE! (hence the title of this email) It is through service that we experience the pure love of Christ. Serve everyone, just like the Savior would do :)
Random note: People have interesting pets here. We saw a lady with a parrot and he was TALKING!! so cool! and then we met a man with a 3/4- wolf huskie! AWESOME!!!

So in my next package, I need socks to wear with flats, the nude color is fine:) and if you could send my pink binder for PMG that I made, I think I want to use it here...unless someone else is using it, then you can leave it home :)

Biking is good, food is good, my health is good, life is good! The ward is awesome and I LOVE being a missionary! It is so much fun. Our district is fun and our zone is great.

I met the family member of the Hunsakers, he is in my zone. Elder Gardner. 

I love you all so much! Have a great week and keep getting ready for the wedding! Sammie can wear my dress and I can send the grey cardigan for it. I bought a mint-colored skirt to wear on April 12 so I can match everyone in spirit :)
 LOVE YOU!!! Sorry I don't write more in espanol. I get lazy haha :) LOVE you and miss you all :)
Hermana Warren

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