Hola Familia!
We are now in the full last week of March and I am freaking out. The months go by so fast, we are already halfway through the transfer. I wish that I could slow it down but I am just so busy and having fun that it is impossible. I would rather it go by really fast, filled with fun and baptisms and hard work, than it go by really slow with nothing to do.
Thank you for the emails! What did Sister Wishart say to you? I was on an exchange with Sister Zhao, the sister who I came into the field with. She had been asked to come in to do the role play and I didn't know until I came to her area that morning. It is amazing how the Spirit helps you, even though it is only a role play. I was nervous, sitting there in front of a bunch of Senior couples and President Moffat, role-playing to his First counselor. But when I started the role play, I just go into teaching mode and taught, asked questions, invited and I resolved his concern about church with Jacob 2:8. Heavenly Father really helped me in that role-play.
President did my endorsement. He even texted me on Friday or Saturday, telling me that he did it. He didn't have a problem with it when I talked about it with him in interviews. He was more than willing. So don't worry about anything :) President loves his Sisters :)
I got my Ipad on Thursday! It is awesome because there are so many resources we can use to help our investigators and to teach and study with. When Jenna gets her call, you can just email me and I can read it on P-day. I am so excited for her.
Jenna: Remember that you have been called by a prophet and assigned by an apostle. The Lord inspired your call and there are people that you are supposed to meet and teach and help and love. It doesn't matter if you baptize a lot of people or not, the Lord wants you to represent him and love those people. Memorize "My Missionary Commission" by Elder McKonkie. That is the best thing to memorize. I am so proud of you and love you so much. You will NEVER regret serving a mission.
We also had a cool experience with a family that we are teaching. On saturday, we had scheduled a chapel tour for 6 pm
. Chapel tours help our investigators feel better about coming to church. At 5:50, she texted us and said that they wouldn't be able to meet with us and that they would see us at church on Sunday. I knew that they wouldn't come if we didn't have contact so we still went over with a member, not responding to their text. We knocked on the door and the mom answered, on her way out to go to Walmart. She asked us if we got her text and, applying what I have learned from Zone Conference trainings, said that we received their text and came by to see if everything was ok.
. Chapel tours help our investigators feel better about coming to church. At 5:50, she texted us and said that they wouldn't be able to meet with us and that they would see us at church on Sunday. I knew that they wouldn't come if we didn't have contact so we still went over with a member, not responding to their text. We knocked on the door and the mom answered, on her way out to go to Walmart. She asked us if we got her text and, applying what I have learned from Zone Conference trainings, said that we received their text and came by to see if everything was ok.
(Sometimes I say that we didn't get the text, when we really did, but President told us that there is no point in lying, just tell them that you saw it and still came by anyways.)
She told us that one of her daughters was sick and had a fever and they didn't know why. We came in and talked to her and asked her if she would like a blessing, after explaining it to her. She said yes, so our district leader came over with a member and they gave her a blessing. After the blessing, she said that she felt good and then we shared a quick message about the restoration and the Priesthood. We committed them to church and all 3 of them came. I know that we shouldn't give us so easily when our investigators cancel. It would have been so easy to say, "ok, see you tomorrow" but we need to fight for our investigators, because we love them. We wouldn't have been able to help her if we hadn't gone over.
This week was great and we worked so hard. I am so tired every day when I wake up but as I lose myself in the work and find and teach and baptize, the Lord helps me and I somehow have enough energy to keep going until 10:30. I sleep like a baby every night haha :)
I am excited for the General Womens Conference. I remember the conference last year, and crying as I thought about you all watching it with me :) This will be my last General Conference as a missionary :(
This Church is true! The Lord loves His children. I have felt the love he has for his children as I teach them and serve them. There is nothing better in the world than seeing someone you have taught, receive the Priesthood and pass the sacrament, or receive a calling and take attendance in Sunday school. This week, the Roman family can go to the temple to be sealed and I will be able to go with them when they are ready :) I have never been happier. I am not saying that I am not sad some days. Sometimes people are so RUDE to you and you feel so dumb and weak and you get mad when people make dumb choices BUT it is all worth it :)
Les amo much!
Hermana Warren