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Hola Familia y mis amigos :)
Why do I love Utah? Well, let me say that sometimes you meet famous people......that is right everyone, last Tuesday, we taught David Archuleta's grandpa.........and guess who bore his testimony during the lesson? DAVID ARCHULETA!!!!! While we sat on the couch, waiting for his grandpa, David walked in, wearing a white shirt and tie, and said "Hi, I'm David" and shook our hands. All I could do was smile and not freak out, but once he left the room, I started bouncing up and down. It was so cool! He looks like a regular guy but I remember the season he was on American Idol and how we watched EVERY single show and rooted for him from the beginning, that was such a cool experience. He bore a heart-felt testimony in Spanish to his grandpa, it was so sweet.
So we had many miracles this week. First of all, I finished the Primer Libro de Nefi in Spanish! (first book of Nephi) YAY! That was an accomplishment. I have a goal of reading the entire BOM in spanish and there is a promise from Heavenly Father that if we read the BOM in the language we are learning, we will be fluent in that language by the time we are done. Also, I am getting TAN!!! That is a bonus:)Then we had 3 investigators at church on Sunday for Easter and our little 8 year old is still on date for May 3rd, she turns 9 one week after Lydia does. Easter was fun, we ate with one of my favorite families for dinner and we had tuna sandwiches, but it was an amazing Easter. I will never forget it.
I had everyone coming up to me, telling me how great my Spanish is, a lot of them are natives. I was so happy to hear that.
I want to apologize to everyone who I haven't written letters back. I promise I will write everyone back but today, I am taking a nap. I am SO tired and I have been pushing it off every week. So this week I am gonna do it:)
So I want to share a scripture that I heard while I was on exchanges in an English area this last week, which was super weird BTW and I realized that I LOVE being a Spanish speaking Sister. It is Genesis 29:20. I love this scripture because when we love someone, whether a family member or Jesus Christ, the sacrifices we make aren't really sacrifices, if we do them out of love. Jacob served for 7 years so he could marry Rachel! I am serving God for 1 1/2 years and I am sure it will seem like only days if I serve God because I love Him. I really love that scripture and how true it is.
Every day my testimony is strengthened. Sometimes I feel like I don't know enough.....but I don't have to! Each time I bear my testimony, I become more and more sure of what I do know.
Yo se que la Iglesia de Jesuscristo es verdadera. Yo se que el Libro de Mormon es verdadero. Se que Dios vive! (I know the Church of Jesus Christ is true. I know the Book of Mormon is true. I know God lives.)
Can't wait to talk to you all on Mother's Day!!! Happy Birthday LYDIA! You are so beautiful and I love you :)
Can't wait to talk to you all on Mother's Day!!! Happy Birthday LYDIA! You are so beautiful and I love you :)
I love my family and miss you all! I hope everyone had a great week and keep getting up and read the Book of Mormon!
Hermana Warren
p.s. the last picture is a GIANT pot of meat for our investigator's party!
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